"...There is an intrinsic elegance manifest in the Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) woman with a slender physique that others do not have.

One would not suggest that a swan needs to have 'neck implants' to be beautiful. . they are intrinsically beautiful by virtue of the fact that they manifest a slender, elegant form.

The intrinsic elegance of the Black swan has no comparison..The measure of her value is inherent in her nature..."

-- Odwirafo


Mut Nesut Ahmes Nefertari was Queen Mother, Mut Nesut and Hemat Ntoro - 'Wife of the God' Amen - meaning 'High Priestess' of the God Amen. Mut Nesut Ahmes Nefertari was the first Queen of the 18th dynasty over 3,500 years ago. She was the most venerated woman in the trustory of Kamit (Egypt).

The Ancestral worship of Mut Nesut Ahmes Nefertari lasted for hundreds of years after her death - and up until today - by those who recognize our spiri-genetic connection to our great Ancestress inclusive of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) on the continent of Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) as well as those of us in the western hemisphere who practice Ancestral Religion.

Mut Nesut Ahmes Nefertari is the epitome of the Great Elderess, the Nana, the Matron Ancestress of #blackswanlife. The Black Swan is her akyeneboa - sacred animal totem.

The Akan adinkra symbol between Mut Nesut Ahmes Nefertari and the Swan is called Sankofa. Sankofa means to return (san), go (ko) and grasp (fa) from your Ancestral past in order to restore balance to life circumstances in the present and lay a firm foundation for the future. Sankofa and Sankofawaa are thus titles of the Male and Female Abosom (Deities) of Divine Wisdom and Divination, Tehuti and Seshat.

Structurally, Sankofa is the sanctuary of physical and spiritual conception leading to the (re)birth of the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) human being from the womb and also the birth of innovative and creative thoughts and ideas which transform our lives in harmony with Divine Order. This structural sanctuary is governed by the Female Obosom (Deity) Het Heru, who is called Afi in Akan, Oshun in Yoruba and Azili (Erzulie) in Vodoun. Het Heru is the Obosom (Deity) of conception, creativity, beauty, artistry and marriage - fusion of complementary opposites in Divine Harmony in Creation.

The medutu (hieroglyphs) in the image show the sacred Benu bird which illuminates, fires and concretizes the primoridial Black mound after it emerged from the primordial waters at the beginning of Creation. This primordial Black mound formed the first Black Earth upon which we would dwell - in the heartland - the continent of Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa).

The term Swan (Suan, Aswan) is the second set of medutu describing the region of ancient Khanit (Nubia/Sudan) from which our early Ancestresses and Ancestors began to establish civilization rooted in our Ancestral Religious values.

The final set of medutu comprise the term Ankhet the feminine manifestation of the Divinity of Life in Creation. These terms define the primordial sacred Black bird, who comes into being in the beginning, bringing the light and life of civilization. The imagery is afloat the primordial waters of Epo Abenaa, Great Mother Obosom (Deity) of the Atlantic Ocean - the Great Waters across which we were forced to migrate into the western hemisphere - and the same purificatory waters that cleansed us and sustained us and invigorated us for the fight against our enemies.

The Black Swan is an expression of the nature of the intrinsic beauty of the Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) woman. Afuraitkaitnit (African) women and Afurakani (African) men grounded in the Divinity of our Identity form the foundation for strong families and Amansesew - Nationbuilding/Restoration in its most authentic expression.

The Divinity of Identity defines the nature of the Black Swan - and defines the nature of the movement.


Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces, wives, healeresses represent this movement in our mmusua, our matriclans, for the re-awareness of our intrinsic beauty - on our own terms expressed through our Ancestral standards..

Odwirafo.com is the official distributor of #blackswanlife apparel. Order today via our crowdfund campaign and become part of the first group of Black Swans to launch the movement..

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See our books above for details regarding Sankofa, Benu, Ankh, Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) and OBAATAN - Afuraitkaitnit Womanhood. Download the free e-book versions of and obtain the soft-cover versions of these books and all of our 31 books from our publications page:

NHOMA - Publications

Please contact us for additional information.
