In Akan culture, Ananse is the Messenger of the Supreme Being. He is the "Owner of all of the Supreme Being's stories." He is also often called a "trickster". Ananse also means "spider".
A spider can be found at the base of a window sill, yet days later can be found to have filled the entire "empty" space with an intricately woven web. The spider can then travel to any point in that empty space, rest, move again, stop, etc. No other entity can do so. He is the owner of the space and the many "roads" of the web.

Awuku - The planet Awuku ("mercury") is the center of operation for Ananse within our solar system
Ananse, as the Messenger of the Supreme Being and the Divine Spider, "weaves" a web of
tumi (
Akan for energy) which permeates all of Creation--the Blackness of Space, the Planets, Sun, Moon our bodies, etc. He may then travel to and from any point in the spirit-world and the physical world along the many roads of this
tumi(energy)-web, carrying the messages of
Nyamewaa-Nyame (The Supreme Being), the
Abosom and
Nananom Nsamanfo (Deities and Honored Ancestral Spirits) to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) and carrying our messages back to Them. Just as He governs the web of information within the
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) body (your nervous system/an information "web") transmitting impulses/messages from the brain to every organ, cell and system and vice-versa, so does
Ananse govern the information web of
tumi in Creation.
Adinkra symbol shown above is called
Ananse Ntontan. It represents the creativity of the weaver,
Ananse, and the breadth of His reach in the two worlds. We recognize that the world wide web is a means of communication and belongs to
Ananse Kokuroko (The Great Spider) as well.
Ananse governs not only communication but also business transactions, media of exchange, etc. Below is a list of
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black)
nkonsonkonson (links). This list is expanded on a periodic basis.

.: No one goes to the house of Ananse to teach it wisdom :.
Kompan Adepa
Akwamu Trustory on Ghanaweb
Akans and their Various Abusua
Asekyima - Menstruation Goddess
Nton and Ntoro
Abusua and Nton [Nton in this title is actually the Ntoro]
Akan Ethnic Groups
The Sociolinguistic of Akan Personal Names
NKWA, Inc.
Akanization of the Hill Guan Arts
Sankofa Asafo
Adulawo Culture,Arts,Spiritual,Education&Language Institute
Kemetic Yoga
Spire Enterprises
Kamau Makesi-Tehuti's Site
Afrostyly Kamit News
Genetic Memory
Black Bone - Your Internet Backbone
Race 1st TV
Nation House
Akoben House
Afrikan Djeli
Glo-On Natural Hair
Search Black
Soul Search
Kreative Souls by Pilar
Nailah I. Akinyemi-Sankofa
Oyin Handmade: Nourishing Hair and Body Products
Aseyori Market
Naturally You! Magazine
Black Woman and Child Magazine
Akwaaba Bed and Breakfast Inns
Cozy Corner Creations
Kami Sutra Jewels
Innerlight Radio
Omega Airport Shuttle
One United Bank
First Black-owned Internet Bank
Odwirafo on